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The Magical World of Dr. Joseph Lisiewski

Book Blurb Few figures in modern occultism have garnered as much admiration – and vitriol – as Dr. Joseph Charles Lisiewski. Born in the coal mining regions of Central Pennsylvania, Lisiewski came of age as religious orthodoxy was waning, but before the world of the ‘Counter Culture Movement’ had fully come full-term. After a terrifying ... Read More

The Templar Door

Review coming soon….. Book Blurb I am not chasing the Holy Grail, the sacred Head known as Baphomet, the Ark of the Covenant or anything to do with Sacred Bloodlines. I simply want to know why the Templars of Wiltshire seem to have haunted me for some years. I will take the reader on what ... Read More

The Five Tarots

There are 78 cards in the Tarot, 22 of which are known as the Major Arcana, containing a breadth of wisdom and magical philosophy. Yet it is within the first five of these cards that the main principles of the Tarot can be found. The Tarot is a tangible demonstration of High Magic, and nowhere ... Read More

Initiation into Hermetics

Initiation into Hermetics provides step by step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises lead to the development of body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as he can change his existence for ... Read More

The Qabalah: Beyond the Veil

The Qabalah has long been a system of mysticism and magic that few could truly understand, thanks to the difficult and obtuse language and symbolism employed. Many texts have appeared, offering to explain this mysterious subject, but few do so as succintly as this book. The Qabalah: Beyond the Veil aims to lift the lid ... Read More