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Alba Reborn: A Druid Path of Return F Rinn and Soillse Book One, a Celtic Tale

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Alba Reborn is the story of a Celtic girl and boy, Soillse and Fìrinn, in first century Scotland or Alba. He is destined to become high king of the Isle of Skye and she a renown healer. Book One is the tale of their growing years: both drawn to the druid, Coillore, and his teachings about the realms of light of the Otherworld. On a hidden path of love, Coillore shows them how ancient fears from their fall from heaven are creating the sufferings in their lives, how to heal these, and achieve their highest dreams. Every reader can do the same. Contained in Coillore’s lessons are the planes of the cosmic Diamond Core, the seventh heaven and its consciousness of enlightenment. The regents of the Celtic pantheon and the hidden streams of Celtic cosmology are explained in rich detail, the result of twenty-five years of painstaking meditation and research by the author. This book is a call to the people of Alba to raise the standard of love and renew their ancient spiritual traditions. But it is equally a call to all people on earth to move through the transformation process illustrated in the lives of Fìrinn and Soillse, to heal all inner fear, and thus create heaven on earth. 

Dr. Frew is a clinical psychologist and energy healer, whose love of Alba and Celtic tradition has taken her on a lifelong journey of discovery. Through inner druid guides and years of meditation, she has unearthed information she was unable to find in an exhaustive search for answers in the outside world. She believes these teachings to be accurate, and they have radically opened her awareness to the constant love of God/Goddess and the spirit world. In the future, Dr. Frew envisions building a spiritual community in Alba that embodies these teachings, and she hopes every person on earth comes to know the exquisite tenderness of the One Beloveds.


There are times in life when a book finds you and I think this was one of them. Alba Reborn: a Druid Path of Return Firinn and Soillse Book One is a beautifully written book and one that captures another (better?) way of looking at the world, life and everything. For the author, this was plainly a work of love on many levels.

Set in the Isle of Skye off the west coast of Scotland, in the times of the Celts, the book follows the coming to adulthood of two children, Firinn and Soillse. Alternate chapters follow their intertwined lives and their interactions with the kind druid – Coillore – who prepares them for their destiny as best he can. The book starts before the birth of Soillse, who we find preparing for another incarnation on Earth and longing to rejoin her eternal partner – now Firinn – who is already a small boy with his family on Skye. We meet the God and Goddess of all creation and share in some final planning of Soillse’s incarnation.

The descriptions of life in a Celtic tribe are fabulous as is the stepping back into the mindset of people of that era and how they see the world as expressions of the pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Trees, the wind, animals, everything is seen in this context personified, to be respected, spoken to, thanked and learned from. This backdrop is coupled with the developing story in which both Firinn and Soillse are in tune with aspects of their life’s mission and recognize each other for what they are to each other. Coillore plays his part as the tribes druid taking Firinn and to some extent, Soillse, to one side and providing lessons and initiations.

Weaved through the story is the idea of the great return. Humankind has reached its lowest and most dense physical phase and is now on its return to the God and Goddess of all creation. The ‘fears’ taken on by man and deities both must be healed and reconciled in order to return to a state of oneness with the Godhead. Both Firinn and Soillse must face their fears and start the process of cleansing in order to play their part in the grand script of things. Firinn primarily does this under the guidance of Coillore – the druid’s way – while for Soillse it is more of a personal process aided by the Goddess and from time to time, Coillore. An interesting aspect, which I deeply agree with, is the view that evil is a necessary condition in order to experience and learn.

The book ends with a forced parting of the two who are now betrothed lovers as they reach their late teens and it ends way too soon despite its’ length! By this time you have fallen in love with these characters and are all too eager to follow them on through their lives, living their hopes and fears, tests and tribulations with them. I hope Book 2 is written. I really do.

The author has intended that a message and a deep and detailed description of this Celtic way of life – spiritual and physical – are imparted to us through the novel. Largely, she has succeeded but the long monologue lessons from Coillore to Firinn are, at times, over long. One wonders how this simple lad could possible recall such detail after one telling. Several appendices deal further with this received material and I think it may have been better to put more detail there and reduce the teaching side of the novel just a shade. This though is my only criticism of a book that has changed me to the core and given me new insights into creation and our role in it. It reinforces my own fascination with how reality is created and many times during the book; we are reminded that we create reality.

I thoroughly recommend this book.



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