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Chasing The Shaman

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Book Blurb

From the ancient sites of Albion, to the mysteries of the Templars in the Czech Republic, via myths, ley lines, dragons and the Slavic deities, to the strange and unsettling encounters with the work of a shaman in the middle of Brno, G. Michael Vasey shares his journey back to the Goddess, the Divine Feminine, whose balancing influence is so often lacking in a patriarchal society.

This book is open and honest, adding new insights to those he shared with Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul. It describes a personal journey from feeling adrift to finding a connection to the life of the land. In many ways, brings its author back to a path he had never truly left.

The magical journey of reawakening continues thanks to good friends and a chance encounter with a local shaman.

Magic is real. You just have to let it in to your life.

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