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The Druid Code: Magic, Megaliths and Mythology

Book Blurb This book sets out to examine the wider concept of magic and mythology being utilised as an early form of social psychoanalysis by the druids, and how magic theory and occult symbolism developed from this. How this evolution of ritual magic eventually made its way into folklore, witchcraft and freemasonry. From the proto-shamanic ... Read More

The Sea Priest (Inner Voyage to Light)

Book Blurb In the beginning, I planned to sail this book toward Brittany and track down Morgana le Fay, even peering through her witch-mists to the peculiar heart of Atlantis, where I thought she might be lurking. I was determined to summon, stir and call her up. In the event, at the very start of ... Read More

The Book of Melusine of Lusignan

Book Blurb Considerable interest in faery tradition has grown up in recent years and not least in the story of Melusine of Lusignan, the subject of a prose romance by Jean d’Arras at the end of the 14th century, swiftly followed by one in verse by Couldrette. This book provides a collection of material from ... Read More