Strange Book Reviews is a website devoted to books read by G. Michael Vasey usually on topics related to magic, sci-fi and paranormal. We review or post informational links to books primarily on this basis. However, we also offer two types of service for authors or publishers of books that fit the category who desire a little more publicity as well as follows;
- Basic Book Informational posting – $9.99
- Written review – $65
Basic Book Informational Posting
For a basic book informational posting please provide us with some information about your book and you. This should include ISBN and publisher details and a link to the book on We will post a photo and description of your book along with links to the Amazon purchase page. Your listing will remain on our site without a time limit.
Written Review
For a written review, please send us a paperback or hardback of your book to the address listed. We will read the book and post a review within 30-days of receiving the hardcopy of the book. We cannot guarantee a favourable review but we can guarantee an honest review. Please don’t be offended if the review is not as brilliant as you might wish for.
Email us at garymvasey at gmail dot com
Note – This site uses Amazon affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we receive a small commission.