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The Black Eyed Kids

Black Eyed Kids - Are they just a scary urban myth or something much more sinister? Kids with black eyes and monotone voices terrorizing neighborhoods across the USA and beyond. Discover what the black eyed kids are and experience chilling true and actual encounters with these frightening creatures. Supernatural expert, G. Michael Vasey, carefully investigates ... Read More

Believe and it is True: A Story of Healing and Life Lessons

This book is a personal narrative detailing a transformative healing journey. Fifty years after polio struck Deborah's little three-year-old body, she was diagnosed with post-polio syndrome, with its overwhelming fatigue and muscle weakening. But, she did not accept the possibility of losing the use of her legs, again. Instead, she met the challenges head-on, healing ... Read More

Mad Gods and Englishmen: A Fantasy

Private Investigator Tommy Storm is hired by a top Hollywood film producer to find his missing daughter and her leading man lothario. As Storm and his goody two-shoes doppelganger investigate the case, sinister forces conspire to commit the ultimate murder. The question is: who is on the side of the angels, and can either Storm ... Read More