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Mystical Qabalah

Mystical Qabalah

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Violet Mary Firth Evans, derived her pen-name ‘Dion Fortune’ from the Latin of her family motto ‘Deo, non fortuna’ (‘by God, not fate’). An inspired occultist, she worked with such luminaries of the esoteric world as Theodore Moriarty and MacGregor Matthers before founding her own mystical/magical organization ‘The Fraternity (now Society) of the Inner Light’. ‘The Mystical Qabalah’ is Dion Fortune’s clear, concise introduction to the profound mysteries of the many-layered glyph known as the Otz Chiim, or Tree of Life. Widely and deservedly regarded as an occult classic, the book explores all aspects of the Hermetic Qabalah, focusing on the relation and correspondences between the Ten Holy Sephiroth on the three pillars, and their connection with the twenty-two paths of subjective consciousness. The Tarot’s and Astrology’s links to the glyph are likewise considered in detail. The Mystical Qabalah is an invaluable primer for understanding the inner workings of The Tree, a book that gives up additional layers of meaning the more times it is read. An invaluable key for novice and initiate alike.

Fortune’s Mystical Qabalah remains a classic in the field. She explores all aspects of the Qabalah-whose disciplines include the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, and forms the basis of the Western Mystery Tradition. Her thorough explanation of the Tree of Life, which lies at the heart of Qabalistic teaching, provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate.

This revised edition includes an additional chapter culled from Fortune’s Inner Light Journal describing the paths on the Tree, an editorial update for contemporary readers, and an easy-to-use foldout containing important diagrams that augment study of the text.

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