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The Singing Stones

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It should have been a happy 14th birthday. But Thomas Greystone’s life turns upside down as he is drawn into an ancient legend of unimaginable magical power. For Thomas is destined to become the Archmage of Britain and stand against the evil Mordred in his attempt to stop the return of King Arthur in his country’s hour of deepest need. The final battle looms on Lammas Eve … with an ending no-one could foretell.

This book is not a rehash of Harry Potter! Nor am I another JK Rowling. There will never be another author like her she is a one off and rightly so. So what IS this book?
Its aim is twofold;
1) It is a Rite of Passage story. All children experience such a time, but often it goes un-noticed ,all to often, it can be abusive and tormented. No Rite of Passage is easy and rightly so for it was always meant to be a test of courage.I wanted to link this point in a boys life with the ancient story of Arthur and his son Mordred.

2)I wanted to show that no matter how bad things look at times there is a way through it if one is willing to change. I always thought of Mordred as someone who could have been a loving son if given the chance and have tried give him that chance. But as always there is a cost.

This book has no age barrier. If you are 12 to 15 it will give you an idea of what a Rite if Passage is. If you are 16 to 19 you can look back and understand your own Passage into manhood. If you are older, up to 93, look back and wonder, or smile and remember, or simply watch your own grandson approaching the same moment in life as I did. If you have enjoyed it let me know. […]

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