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The Way of Wyrd

Sent on a mission deep into the forests of pagan Anglo-Saxon England, Wat Brand, a Christian scribe, suddenly finds his vision of the world turned upside down. The familiar English countryside is not what it seems: threatening spirits, birds of omen and plants of power lurk in this landscape of fallen terrors and mysterious forces. ... Read More

Sword of Destiny

"…and the swords must be found and held by their bearers lest the darkness find a way into the heart of man. Ask the waters to grant guidance and tell the ancient Keeper of Light that it is time to join battle for the next age." Rhea Marchant heads north to the wild and beautiful ... Read More

The Last Observer: A Magical Battle for Reality

The Last Observer is a compelling tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into the middle of a violent struggle between black and white magicians who both seek to use his extraordinary powers of imagination and observation. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it ... Read More

Mad Gods and Englishmen: A Fantasy

Private Investigator Tommy Storm is hired by a top Hollywood film producer to find his missing daughter and her leading man lothario. As Storm and his goody two-shoes doppelganger investigate the case, sinister forces conspire to commit the ultimate murder. The question is: who is on the side of the angels, and can either Storm ... Read More